The Band That Made Gregorian Chants Popular During the 90s A Look Back

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Gregorian chants have been around for centuries, but it was during the 90s that they experienced a surge in popularity. This was all thanks to one band that brought this ancient form of music into the mainstream. In this article, Koolteee Store’ll take a look at the band that made gregorian chants popular during the 90s and explore what made them so successful.

Introduction: The Rise of Gregorian Chants in the 90s


The 1990s saw a resurgence of interest in Gregorian chants, which are monophonic, unaccompanied songs of the Roman Catholic Church. While the origin of these chants dates back to the Middle Ages, they had largely fallen out of favor in modern times. But in the mid-90s, a German band called Gregorian put a modern twist on these ancient hymns and brought them to the forefront of popular culture.

Examples of Gregorian’s Success

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Gregorian’s success can be attributed, in part, to their unique approach to these ancient chants. They took traditional Gregorian melodies and combined them with contemporary instrumentation and a modern beat, creating an entirely new sound. Their debut album, “Masters of Chant,” was released in 1999 and went platinum across Europe. They followed up with multiple albums that continued to sell well and tour extensively.

One of their most famous covers is their rendition of the pop hit “Losing My Religion” by R.E.M. The track was a massive success and helped to introduce a new generation to the beauty of Gregorian chants. Along with other tracks like “Join Me” and “So Sad,” these covers became some of the band’s biggest hits.

Comparisons to Other Music Genres

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While Gregorian chants are a unique musical genre, their popularity in the 90s was part of a larger trend towards world music and spiritual exploration. Other genres like New Age, ambient, and trance were also popular during this time and shared many similarities with Gregorian chants in terms of their meditative and introspective qualities. However, Gregorian’s unique combination of ancient melodies with modern beats set them apart from other artists in this space.

Advice for Musicians Interested in Gregorian Chants

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For musicians interested in exploring the world of Gregorian chants, it’s essential to understand the history and tradition behind this form of music. While modern interpretations can be successful, it’s still important to respect the roots of this style and not just use it as a gimmick for commercial success.

Another key factor in Gregorian’s success was their ability to market themselves effectively. They embraced the power of music videos and live performances to connect with audiences. Musicians looking to follow in their footsteps should focus on creating compelling visuals and building a strong brand identity.


Q: What are Gregorian chants?

A: Gregorian chants are monophonic, unaccompanied songs that originated in the Roman Catholic Church. They date back to the Middle Ages and are known for their meditative and spiritual qualities.

Q: Who is the band that made Gregorian chants popular during the 90s?

A: The band that brought Gregorian chants into the mainstream during the 90s is called Gregorian.

Q: Why did Gregorian’s music become so popular in the 90s?

A: Gregorian’s success can be attributed to their unique approach to these ancient hymns. They combined traditional Gregorian melodies with contemporary instrumentation and a modern beat, creating an entirely new sound.

Q: How did Gregorian market themselves effectively?

A: Gregorian embraced the power of music videos and live performances to connect with audiences. They created compelling visuals and built a strong brand identity to stand out in the crowded music market.

Q: Can musicians still find success with Gregorian chants today?

A: While the popularity of Gregorian chants may have waned since the 90s, there is still a dedicated audience for this style of music. Musicians who approach it with respect and creativity can find success in this space.


The band that made Gregorian chants popular during the 90s was able to tap into a unique blend of ancient tradition and modern innovation. They created a new sound that spoke to audiences around the world and helped to bring these ancient hymns into the mainstream. While their success may have been fleeting, their influence on the music industry and popular culture lives on.